Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend in Washington

This past weekend we took the girls to Cle Elum, Washington for a retreat with Roy's work folk. We got to stay in this HUGE, really cool log cabin!
The woodwork in the cabin was amazing - so much time & thought had clearly been put into the building of the cabin. Even the ceiling fans had been hand carved & the bathroom floors were heated!
Pretty neat! We spent the weekend just enjoying each others company, relaxing & enjoying the incredible nature that surrounded us.
We went down to the lake but the water was so low and it was SO windy we didn't spend much time there. One of Roy's coworkers, Viet, had his two year old son, Andrew, at the cabin so Haley had a playmate. It was really cute - one time while we were outside playing around Andrew picked a flower and went up to Haley and gave it to her :)
Her first boyfriend!
The day we were leaving Andrew was following his Dad outside and when they waled past Haley, Andrew got down on the floor to give her a hug before he left! Too cute! He even made his Dad take him outside when we were leaving so he could say bye. I knew that sweet girl was going to have the boys going crazy eventually - I just figured it would be several years from now!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! How great to be able to go to such a beautiful spot! Seven days till your anniversary!
