Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lunch With Grammy & My Daughter The Rock Star

Today Grammy came over and took all of us out to lunch at Chili's.
We had a great time visiting and eating yummy food! After lunch Grammy to the girls to Office Depot to buy Alex's school supplies for the upcoming school year.
While the ladies were doing that Dad & I went to Costco to get the burgers and buns for this weekend. I can not believe the big event is right around the corner! It is going to be so much fun! Speaking of fun, Haley has had a great time in the ball pit Mom set up using a sandbox (the frog pool kept losing air.) She loves to carefully climb in and out, over & over again. She also seems to enjoy standing in it and kicking the balls with her leg like a bull or throwing all the balls out of the pit )although Mom does not think that game is very fun!) :)
Alex had two of her friend's, Emily & Jacqui, come over to spend the night so they would be ready to head out camping with us tomorrow. After dinner the girls played Rock Band on the Wii - it was freaking hilarious!
Even Haley took a turn on the mike!
They are the biggest dorks, but they sure are cute!
Anyway I need to get my sleep so I am ready for this whirlwind weekend! Next time I talk to you all my baby girl will be ONE!

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