Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Fun With Grammy :)

This morning Makenna came over to play.
She was completely obsessed with giving Haley hugs.
It was really funny. I think Makenna figured that Haley was just a larger version of her baby doll. Makenna would squat down and hold Haley or she would stand next to Haley and either pat or pet her head, one time she even tried to sit in Haley's lap! - too cute!
Haley did not know quite what to make of all the attention! After Makenna left Grammy stopped by to go to Troutdale Walmart & the Carter's store with Mom & Haley. Outside of Carter's we spotted a mini carousel and thought Haley might like to try it out. We each stood on one side of the ride and "spotted" Haley as she went around and around.
She was not sure if she liked it or not but eventually flashed a cheesy grin of approval at us :) She was COMPLETELY fascinated when another kid got on the ride and maintained a 180 degree rubber-necking pose for the remainder of the ride.
She is so cute & fascinated by the world around her!

1 comment:

  1. CUTE!!! What fun we had and what a crack up when she looked so disapprovingly at that little boy who hitched a ride!
