Saturday, August 1, 2009


So today was Alex's long anticipated BBQ for her friends.
She stayed up late cleaning and got up early to get all the food and stuff ready. Her friend's showed up at about 1 pm and Dad got going on the grill cooking burgers & hot dogs.
Haley was super excited about her hot dog & pasta salad lunch! Two of her favorites! After the kids walked to the park for a bit and then came home to watch a movie. The kids all seemed to have fun and Alex was quite bubbly! Haley, Mom & Dad just stayed home trying to stay out of the kids way. Grandma put a temporary tattoo on Haley and so she was a "tough" girl today.
One of the kids asked if it was real - what a nerd! Ha! Haley & Mom played with her blocks and had fun "walking" around - Haley loves to hold on to one of your hands and walk around the house. She is getting to be such a big girl and is such a FAST learner! She also now drinks from a straw - so cute!

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