Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Need to get back in the habit...

I have been such a slacker and I really want to start getting back in the groove with my postings - so despite a pretty ho-hum day with no photos I am here! Most of the day was filled with chores & errands...not too exciting. Trying to prepare for having a garage sale this weekend and then Haley's birthday after that - hurray! I am so excited for Haley's party and the preparations are well on the way! Haley continues to grow more and more stable on her feet. I know it will not be too long until she is walking around! She is constantly standing up without support and today she even squatted down & picked something up off the floor without falling & no support! She just keeps learning & growing stronger every day! She is pretty obsessed with shaking her head "no" at people now. She has very little discretion about what she shakes her head "no" at but she sure thinks it is funny! My sweet little girl is so cute - so much personality! I can not believe that in two weeks she will be 1!

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