Monday, August 24, 2009

Haley's Birthday Weekend

What a weekend! We set off Friday afternoon to camp at Barton Park for a weekend celebration for Haley's 1st Birthday :) It was a great weekend! We packed Haley, Alex and her friends Jacqui & Emily in the car and set off for a fun weekend!
Aimee, Sam, Kristine, Howie & Makenna all met us there to spend Friday night. And of course Tank was there to join in on the fun!
Haley & Makenna had fun playing on a blanket in the field while we made dinner. After dinner the young girls went to bed and the teenagers went to the playground across the road to swing, giggle & chat while the adults played a fun game called Apples to Apples. We called it a night and spent our first night in a tent with Haley :) All in all it went well but she did wake up at 6:20 in the morning - hurray! Mom & Haley hung out while Dad and the rest of the campers got a little more sleep. Then it was omelets in a bag for breakfast and off to the picnic site to set up for the big event! Haley's first birthday party was a rousing success! Tons of friends & family showed up to celebrate with us.
Since it was very close to our wedding anniversary, Roy & I took the opportunity to have a bite of our "delicious" cake topper we had diligently kept frozen for the past year
Lets just say we should have kept it in the freezer!
So after the not so tasty cake it was time for Haley's first bite of cake.
Haley was in a grumpy mood because she had fallen asleep on her sweet Aunt Kate
(which was REALLY cute!)
When she awoke she was a little disoriented and Mom had very rudely gone to a nearby table to eat a burger so was not immediately visible - this upset the sweet one greatly! After some hugs from Mom she was better UNTIL Mom put her in the booster seat to eat some cake.
This too upset her greatly and she was not too sure about being set down.
UNTIL she discovered that cake is GOOD!
The tears disappeared and happiness ensued! Lets just say, she likes her some cake!
Suffice it to say when she was done she was a tad messy - it took four of us each double fisting wet wipes to even make a dent! :) After a took one slightly sticky but very happy Haley to open presents.
Haley got some really great toys! Makenna, Arianna & Haley all had a fantastic time playing with the new toys!
It was a great party! After the party Jeff, Auntie Shoe, Hayden & Lucas joined the rest of us for an additional night of camping & Apples to Apples playing. Roy's boss Jeff, his wife Kelly (great name) & daughter Alyssa also came down from Olympia to camp with us. Haley was pooped after the party and went to bed quite early in the evening. The rest of us had a great time BBQ'ing, playing games and sitting by the fire. It was such a fun night! It was so nice to spend Haley's birthday with all our amazing friends & family! We are truly blessed!

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