Saturday, August 15, 2009

Garage Sale & Final Preperations for the Big Weekend!

The last few days we have been busy setting up and attending to our garage sale along with making the final preparations for Haley's Birthday - can you believe it is only one week away!?! Grammy & I met on Thursday and we went to Costco and ordered Haley's Birthday cake. She is going to love cake - I just know it! She had a muffin before and thought it was great! The garage sale went really well on Friday & Saturday - we got rid of a ton of stuff and even made some money! Woo hoo! Haley made sure to keep an eye on everyone so that nobody tried and steal anything!
Sunday however was less successful. I think I sold three things all day - but at least we all had fun hanging out. Shoe brought some of her stuff over on Sunday but really the only stuff she sold was to us (but we do now have a cool toy organizer!) Oh well we all had a great time sitting around, playing with Haley and visiting! She makes the craziest faces!
She could entertain me for hours!
Here is Haley "I told you I am coming as fast as this giraffe will take me, I gotta go I have another call coming in!"
So our yearly garage sale has come and gone! It is a lot of work but it was not a bad way to spend the weekend!

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