Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Year Off and Running!

The holiday bustle has started to slow down so you would think that our lives would have started to settle but MAN have things been crazy lately!  Ally started her new school and seems to be adjusting well and making new friends. Grandpa Egbert has been in the hospital for about a week now but has finally stabilized (from apparent kidney failure) and is doing MUCH better.  We are looking forward to him coming home later this week.  Dad has been busy working and Mom & Haley have been spending time together at home.  Haley continues to learn new things everyday and charms & amuses us with her antics :)  She is such a happy baby and loves giving kisses and reading books with Mom & Dad.  She is such a joy!  We will soon be starting some baby swim lessons and other activities (singing, art, etc) at the community center later in the month.  I look forward to Haley experiencing all these new fun activities and enjoying other kids company.  Although things have been nuts things seem to be slowing down and we look forward to a little calmness around here – at least Mom is looking forward to some!

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