Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Wonderful Weekend

We had a very busy but fun weekend at the Egbert house!  Saturday the girls went over to Grammy’s to help cousin Sandy decorate the Christmas tree.  Although I am not sure how much “help” Haley was she certainly had a good time!  Ally stayed at Grammy’s and spent the night so she could attend a choir performance in the morning with Grammy & Papa.  Haley came home to a decorated house (Mom & Dad spent the day cooking, decorating & doing yard work) and took a nap before friend’s came over for a small housewarming party. PC120005 We had four kids under the age of two over – Haley, Makenna, Lyric & Coco.  All the adults had fun playing with the babies and laughing at Haley & Makenna’s antics! PC120016 They really have a blast playing together! PC120008 After a nice evening with friends we went to bed so we could have another fun day of Christmas shopping with Auntie Shoe followed by a nice evening with Uncle enjoying the Festival of Lights at the Grotto. PC130066    Haley loved all the people and all the cool lights! PC130064 She was running around touching all the lights and being generally sweet & cute like usual :)     Haley was exhausted so Dad picked her up and took her home while Ally & Mom had yummy dinner at Uncles.  It was a great way to cap off a really great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great having you back blogging with wonderful pictures!
