Friday, December 11, 2009

Up and running again!

So I FINALLY have all the things I need to start posting my blog again – camera battery, download cord & laptop – hurray!  Since my camera has not been working until recently I do not have too many photos to post but I do have a few good ones from the last couple of weeks :)  We have all been busy with various school and holiday related activities – I will go over some of the highlights…  PC080063A fantastic afternoon downtown with Uncle to see the Singing Christmas tree with Ally…  PC050010Two band concerts – one at Zoolights and Ally’s final performance at Alder Creek (she will start at her new school in January)… PC080021 A meatloaf in true Grammy style in the shape of a house to honor our new home… PC040001 And of course a not so successful trip with Haley to meet Santa (Haley not a big fan)…PC090064 As you can see we have been busy but having lots of fun!  Haley is getting so big and learning new things every day!  Today she got a spoon out of the dishwasher and walked over and put it in the silverware drawer – Momma’s little helper!  She is so sweet and funny and brings us so much joy.  We are truly blessed this holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to have you back up and running. Cute picture of Ally & RJ!!
