Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our First Christmas at Home

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas at home for the first time ever!  It was so fun to wake up in the morning with the girls and watch Alex open up her gifts and Haley go crazy pushing her new baby doll around in her new stroller :)  After the opening gifts with Grandma (who spent the night) we all took showers and had a little breakfast.  Haley was obsessed with her new Cozy Coupe and played in it all day.  She LOVED it when Mom and Alex took her outside and pushed her around.  She just smiled and smiled!  A naked little Haley even ran off from Mom after her bath and climbed in the Cozy Coupe, refusing to come out – Mom had a pull a hollering naked girl out so she could at least get a diaper on!  She is so funny and it is so much fun seeing her grow and learn to love to play! 

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