Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More Holiday Preparations

Yesterday we dressed Haley to the tee and took her to get holiday portraits (since Santa was a bust).  At first we did not think that portraits were going to happen since upon walking into the photo studio the eyes got wide and the lower  lip began to tremble.  Luckily the photographer was a real charmer and with a little encouragement from Mom & Dad and some silly faces & noises from the photographer, Haley was all smiles!  Let me tell you the photos turned out GREAT!  However, we do not get them back for another week so you will have to WAIT!  Sorry!  :)  After photos we had a nice dinner at home with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert before heading to bed for some much needed sleep.  With stockings hung, lights up, and wrapped gifts starting to accumulate on the tree it is definitely beginning to feel like Christmas!

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