Sunday, October 4, 2009

My How The Time Flies!

Things have been so hectic lately! With Haley walking and definitely making herself heard the days get a little crazy - but in a good way :) Haley is really able to walk well now. She manuvers around things and can loves climbing up on things! Of course this new found mobility and her never ending curiosity and sense of adventure has led to a few little tumbles. She REALLY conked herself good a few days ago - it was not as much as how hard she fell but she knocked herself directly between her eyes with her sippy cup. Luckily the injury was not too bad BUT it LOOKED horrible! She looked like she had been in a UFC fight or something! Oh it was horrible! Her bruise did not seem to bother her much (she barely even cried when it happened) but man did it bother Mom! It is the most horrible feeling to see something like that on such a precious little face! Luckily it seems to be fading fast and I am sure that it will be gone quickly - the timing, however, could not have been worse because we were supposed to have family photos taken...that will have to wait a week or two :(

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