Sunday, October 11, 2009

All Bundled Up

It is definitely fall in the Great Northwest. Today was COLD. That did not stop us from bundling Haley up and going to the park. Haley looked SO cute in her little jacket all ready to go play with her sister!
Alex walked Haley down to Lent's park and let her run around for awhile. Haley had a lot of fun but I think the extra layers made moving around more difficult - she kept falling on her little bum :)
It did not seem to faze her much and she seemed to have a great time just toddling around and checking stuff out. It is so amazing to her grow every day and gain the courage to explore more and more of the world. Each day with my girls is truly a blessing!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute coat! She's such a fashion diva...or is that her mom?
