Monday, October 12, 2009

Flu Shots & Volleyball

Today we had a nice relaxing day with Dad (no work because it is a bank holiday.) Dad, Mom & Haley went to the mall to play at the baby playground and get a yummy pretzel. Haley loved walking around and looking at the kids.
She loved climbing up and having Mom help her down the slide.
Every time she got to the bottom she squealed with delight and seemed so proud of herself. It was quite cute! After the playground we played a little bit on the coin operated train before heading home.
After lunch and a nap we got ready and headed to Alder Creek for Alex's volleyball game. (she is #22)
Haley had a good time running around with the other little kids at the game while Mom and Dad took turns watching her and watching the game.
One little boy, about five, took a fancy to Miss Haley. He followed her around telling everyone who would listen how cute she was. He delighted in putting her hood on her head and even walked with her with his hand on her little back. So cute. At one point he excitedly called his brother "Michael look at her! Isn't she cute? She can walk!" Michael was not quite as impressed but it was awfully cute! Before we left he told me "I really like Haley. She can walk but she isn't old enough to play with those big kids yet, right?" So funny! After the game Mom took Haley to Dr. Uncle's office to get her flu shot. It was nice to see Uncle again and we were in and out of the office so fast! It was funny because Haley got MUCH more upset about us laying her down on the table then she did about the actual shot itself - silly monkey! I love my girls!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures of the volley ball game. We'll make it to at least one of them! So cool, my grandbabes are both so grown up!!!
