Monday, October 26, 2009

Volleyball & Chili's

Today we met Grammy at Alder Creek so she could attend one of Alex's volleyball games before the season ended. Alex was so excited that we were all there to cheer her on! She was especially excited because her team won! After the game we went with Grammy and had dinner at Chilis - yum! Haley had a great time eating and screaming (her new favorite attention getter - yikes!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Playdate & Lunch With Grammy

Today was a VERY fun and long day for Miss Haley! We woke up bright and early to take Haley & Makenna over to a couple of Mom's friend's from high schools house to play with new baby friends! Lottie (8 months) is my friends Liz & Dan's baby girl and Owen (9 months?) & Liam (almost 3) are Tai & Blaine's boys. The kids all had a great time playing together. Owen was sleeping most of the time but the girls had a great time playing with Liam while Lottie sat and watched - with the sweetest smile the whole time!
She is such a happy baby! She really cracked me up! After some , good playing, Mom took the girls to Red Robin to meet Grammy for lunch.
The girls shared a grilled cheese sandwich with apple slices - Makenna stole my ranch to dip her grilled cheese AND apples in - she certainly is her Momma's child! Both girls were pooped after the big afternoon and passed out in the car before we even left the parking lot. After we got home (and Haley had a continuation of her nap) we all got ready for evening activities - Mom went to class and Dad & Haley went to Alex's volleyball game. They lost, but only by one point! All in all a pretty hectic but fun day!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Flu Shots & Volleyball

Today we had a nice relaxing day with Dad (no work because it is a bank holiday.) Dad, Mom & Haley went to the mall to play at the baby playground and get a yummy pretzel. Haley loved walking around and looking at the kids.
She loved climbing up and having Mom help her down the slide.
Every time she got to the bottom she squealed with delight and seemed so proud of herself. It was quite cute! After the playground we played a little bit on the coin operated train before heading home.
After lunch and a nap we got ready and headed to Alder Creek for Alex's volleyball game. (she is #22)
Haley had a good time running around with the other little kids at the game while Mom and Dad took turns watching her and watching the game.
One little boy, about five, took a fancy to Miss Haley. He followed her around telling everyone who would listen how cute she was. He delighted in putting her hood on her head and even walked with her with his hand on her little back. So cute. At one point he excitedly called his brother "Michael look at her! Isn't she cute? She can walk!" Michael was not quite as impressed but it was awfully cute! Before we left he told me "I really like Haley. She can walk but she isn't old enough to play with those big kids yet, right?" So funny! After the game Mom took Haley to Dr. Uncle's office to get her flu shot. It was nice to see Uncle again and we were in and out of the office so fast! It was funny because Haley got MUCH more upset about us laying her down on the table then she did about the actual shot itself - silly monkey! I love my girls!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

All Bundled Up

It is definitely fall in the Great Northwest. Today was COLD. That did not stop us from bundling Haley up and going to the park. Haley looked SO cute in her little jacket all ready to go play with her sister!
Alex walked Haley down to Lent's park and let her run around for awhile. Haley had a lot of fun but I think the extra layers made moving around more difficult - she kept falling on her little bum :)
It did not seem to faze her much and she seemed to have a great time just toddling around and checking stuff out. It is so amazing to her grow every day and gain the courage to explore more and more of the world. Each day with my girls is truly a blessing!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Fun Day

So I intended on taking photos for everyone (I know, I know ANOTHER excuse) but apparently my camera works better when I bring the battery and storage card...of well! Mom & Haley had a really fun morning today though - we went and played with babies! Mom & Haley headed over to Stacy & Steve's house today to visit their new bundle of joy Colleen Corinne Smith! She is so sweet and cute! Definitely has her Mommy's eyes and it looks like she has Daddy's eyes - she is sure to be a brilliant beauty with folks like hers! Lyric & Robyn also came by :) I love being able to see Lyric so much! He is as cute as ever and so alert! Haley liked pointing at the babies and wandering around trying to get into mischief. It was really fun to sit around with my girlfriends and our kids - such a change from just a few years ago! After a fun afternoon Mom & Haley headed home and BOTH took a nap before getting ready to go to Uncle's with Alex for Swedish Meatballs and stories from Africa! Dinner was great and RJ had some neat stories about his trip. Haley got a little cranky from her long day so we called it a night. I was really disappointed to not have my camera because Haley wore her SUPER cute U of O cheerleader outfit (for her favorite Uncle) and looked super adorable but I will get photos of her in it soon for everyone :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sorry for Slacking...

Sorry for slacking but a lot of forces have been working against successful blog posting...Grandpa Egbert was in a car crash. He needed stitches and spent several days in the hospital (and the truck is totalled) but he is OK and healing. He really banged himself up something awful though! Thank goodness he is OK! That along with meetings, classes, and volleyball games the family just has not had much time for too much fun stuff (other than enjoyin every single moment with the always endearing Miss Haley!) - Plus Haley's bruise (which is now almost gone) made Mom a little camera shy...oh well at least I am getting something on here now! Other than the hectic bustle that is life we have managed to have a few play dates, build an atom model, visit Grammy a few times, go to the movies and best of all find a new house to rent right next to Grammy! We will moving at the end of the month and I can not wait! The house is really nice and I could not have asked for a better location! We are all really excited!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My How The Time Flies!

Things have been so hectic lately! With Haley walking and definitely making herself heard the days get a little crazy - but in a good way :) Haley is really able to walk well now. She manuvers around things and can loves climbing up on things! Of course this new found mobility and her never ending curiosity and sense of adventure has led to a few little tumbles. She REALLY conked herself good a few days ago - it was not as much as how hard she fell but she knocked herself directly between her eyes with her sippy cup. Luckily the injury was not too bad BUT it LOOKED horrible! She looked like she had been in a UFC fight or something! Oh it was horrible! Her bruise did not seem to bother her much (she barely even cried when it happened) but man did it bother Mom! It is the most horrible feeling to see something like that on such a precious little face! Luckily it seems to be fading fast and I am sure that it will be gone quickly - the timing, however, could not have been worse because we were supposed to have family photos taken...that will have to wait a week or two :(