Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I started using a new blogging program and it seems to have screwed up the dates on some of my posts so the next posts are about the last few weeks but they are in a weird order...I guess a weird order is better than no posts!

Christmas Eve at Grammy’s

Christmas officially began with our holiday tradition of presents, family, food & fun at Grammy’s. PC240086 In true tradition the table was loaded with treats including Uncle’s yummy pumpkin pasta, a Grammy meatloaf shaped like a Xmas tree, and Aunt Kate made some tamales that Roy keeps mumbling about :)  Everyone was so great and generous and completely spoiled the girls :)  PC240115Haley ran around flirting with Auntie Christina, enjoying her gifts – ESPECIALLY her books, and generally being her charming self as we all visited and opened gifts.    Of course before too long the excitement and fun proved to much for the little one and she had to be taken home – she was SO tired you could see her just fighting to keep her lids open!  It was a great time and a fantastic way to start celebrating our first Christmas together as a family!PC240122

Our First Christmas at Home

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas at home for the first time ever!  It was so fun to wake up in the morning with the girls and watch Alex open up her gifts and Haley go crazy pushing her new baby doll around in her new stroller :)  After the opening gifts with Grandma (who spent the night) we all took showers and had a little breakfast.  Haley was obsessed with her new Cozy Coupe and played in it all day.  She LOVED it when Mom and Alex took her outside and pushed her around.  She just smiled and smiled!  A naked little Haley even ran off from Mom after her bath and climbed in the Cozy Coupe, refusing to come out – Mom had a pull a hollering naked girl out so she could at least get a diaper on!  She is so funny and it is so much fun seeing her grow and learn to love to play! 

More Holiday Preparations

Yesterday we dressed Haley to the tee and took her to get holiday portraits (since Santa was a bust).  At first we did not think that portraits were going to happen since upon walking into the photo studio the eyes got wide and the lower  lip began to tremble.  Luckily the photographer was a real charmer and with a little encouragement from Mom & Dad and some silly faces & noises from the photographer, Haley was all smiles!  Let me tell you the photos turned out GREAT!  However, we do not get them back for another week so you will have to WAIT!  Sorry!  :)  After photos we had a nice dinner at home with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert before heading to bed for some much needed sleep.  With stockings hung, lights up, and wrapped gifts starting to accumulate on the tree it is definitely beginning to feel like Christmas!

A New Year Off and Running!

The holiday bustle has started to slow down so you would think that our lives would have started to settle but MAN have things been crazy lately!  Ally started her new school and seems to be adjusting well and making new friends. Grandpa Egbert has been in the hospital for about a week now but has finally stabilized (from apparent kidney failure) and is doing MUCH better.  We are looking forward to him coming home later this week.  Dad has been busy working and Mom & Haley have been spending time together at home.  Haley continues to learn new things everyday and charms & amuses us with her antics :)  She is such a happy baby and loves giving kisses and reading books with Mom & Dad.  She is such a joy!  We will soon be starting some baby swim lessons and other activities (singing, art, etc) at the community center later in the month.  I look forward to Haley experiencing all these new fun activities and enjoying other kids company.  Although things have been nuts things seem to be slowing down and we look forward to a little calmness around here – at least Mom is looking forward to some!