Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So much has happened in the last YEAR...

So clearly it has been awhile since I have posted...I can not believe an entire year has slipped by! And what a year it has been! Since I have last posted Haley has grown by leaps and bounds, Ally has started High School and we have been blessed by a beautiful baby girl - Miss Molly Ann Egbert. Molly joined our happy family January 6th at 3:27 am. She was 6 lbs 15 ounces and 20 inches long. We think she is just perfect! Ally and Haley were delighted to welcome their new sister to the family! Haley loves to sit by the baby and pet her head. She constantly wants "More Baby" and insists that Molly come with Momma to tuck her in each night so that Haley can kiss her before she goes to bed, it is so cute! I can not wait to watch them grow up together and become best of friends! Ally has been a great big sister always offering to help out and hold Molly. I have the most precious and wonderful daughters that any Momma can ask for!

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