Saturday, January 15, 2011

A nice lazy day...

We spent a nice day at home enjoying some peaceful time with family. Even Tank was a bum :)The morning started out incredibly with Molly sleeping through most of the night and late into the morning. Haley got up but actually let Momma sleep in - which is usually VERY hard for her. She must have known that Mom was desperately in need of a little sleep, she is a sweet girl after all :)
Other than a few quick errands we all stayed at home and spent some much needed lazy time loving on Molly, playing dress up, reading stories and watching some horrible NFL playoff games :( Even Haley's lucky Falcon's jersey could not pull Mom's team out of that mess! Aunt Kate & Cousin Crystal even stopped by for a visit and some Molly cuddling. Aunt Kate wore her evil Packer's pants even though she knew Molly was a huge Falcon's fan but Molly was quite forgiving and allowed Aunt Kate her cuddle time despite her poor football attire. The evening ended with all my precious girls cuddled up in Big Sister Ally's bed :) I could not love them more.

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