Saturday, January 15, 2011

A nice lazy day...

We spent a nice day at home enjoying some peaceful time with family. Even Tank was a bum :)The morning started out incredibly with Molly sleeping through most of the night and late into the morning. Haley got up but actually let Momma sleep in - which is usually VERY hard for her. She must have known that Mom was desperately in need of a little sleep, she is a sweet girl after all :)
Other than a few quick errands we all stayed at home and spent some much needed lazy time loving on Molly, playing dress up, reading stories and watching some horrible NFL playoff games :( Even Haley's lucky Falcon's jersey could not pull Mom's team out of that mess! Aunt Kate & Cousin Crystal even stopped by for a visit and some Molly cuddling. Aunt Kate wore her evil Packer's pants even though she knew Molly was a huge Falcon's fan but Molly was quite forgiving and allowed Aunt Kate her cuddle time despite her poor football attire. The evening ended with all my precious girls cuddled up in Big Sister Ally's bed :) I could not love them more.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting back in the groove...

Life has slowly been getting back to normal for the Egbert family. Molly is settling in, Haley is embracing life as a big sister, Dad is getting used to lack of sleep, Ally is learning how much work a newborn is (and how bad umbilical cords smell), and Mom is enjoying feeling a little more like her old self - love you Molly but Mom was a tad uncomfortable carrying you around the last weeks of pregnancy. This week has been a lot of hustle and bustle. Doctors appointments, play dates with much missed friends (thank you Tai & Liz), and even a trip to the Children's Museum made the week a little more exciting for Haley, and hopefully helped to curb some of the natural jealousy that comes with a new baby who consumes much of Mama's time. Although Haley has had a few tinges of jealousy - "move baby!" - she is generally very excited by Molly - "more baby!" and enjoys holding her, giving her kisses and "cooking" Molly various treats in her play kitchen. I think she will be a great big sister - she is always very concerned when Molly cries and often suggests that Momma give Molly milk. She also likes to try to share things with Molly like her apple or trying to get Molly to ride on her quad (Mom did not think that Molly was ready quite yet.) At least she wants to love and share with her baby sister :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Molly's First Photos

Today we got the photos they took at the hospital when Molly was one day old. They are so cute! I can't believe that Molly cooperated so well and opened her eyes for all the photos! She really is a little cutie! I can not believe that one week has already gone by - it seems like we were just checking into the hospital! Molly celebrated her day by shedding her umbilical cord and giving the world a glance at her cute little belly button - although Momma must admit it was not so cute at first, in fact it kinda freaked her out! After some reassurance from the best brother in the world (aka Uncle), and a few swipes with a Q-tip, her belly button was ready for its debut!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So much has happened in the last YEAR...

So clearly it has been awhile since I have posted...I can not believe an entire year has slipped by! And what a year it has been! Since I have last posted Haley has grown by leaps and bounds, Ally has started High School and we have been blessed by a beautiful baby girl - Miss Molly Ann Egbert. Molly joined our happy family January 6th at 3:27 am. She was 6 lbs 15 ounces and 20 inches long. We think she is just perfect! Ally and Haley were delighted to welcome their new sister to the family! Haley loves to sit by the baby and pet her head. She constantly wants "More Baby" and insists that Molly come with Momma to tuck her in each night so that Haley can kiss her before she goes to bed, it is so cute! I can not wait to watch them grow up together and become best of friends! Ally has been a great big sister always offering to help out and hold Molly. I have the most precious and wonderful daughters that any Momma can ask for!