Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Drummer Tank

Today Tank decided to "help" Roy play Guitar Hero.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Closed Toed Shoes & Baby Coos

I think the following picture alone deserves a blog post but I will only mention that yesterday, in a small miracle doubtful to ever be repeated, Kelly Egbert donned closed toed shoes simply to go outside!

I will admit that I did attempt to take our family snow picture in my flip flops but I just couldn't do it. After a moment of fiddling in the snow with the tripod I scurried into the house and dug from the bottom of my closet a pair of...(gasp)...sneakers! They served the purpose and we were able to take a few good photos although Tank has gotten into the new habit at staring at me at all times, therefore unless I take the picture he refuses to look at the camera...sigh. Not to worry people, I was back to my flip flops by the time we ran out to Safeway later in the evening...whew no cosmic rip in the space time continum.

Well after a day of being "snowed in" (sorta) we got to go see our Miss Haley. She is almost 4 months old and is getting really big! We brought our niece Alex along.

We still have not found out too much but it was nice to see her again. We should start a home study at the end of December and the case worker said that I should be able to go visit Haley in her foster home more regularly and get her ready for a transition. I am so excited but I am trying to not get my hopes up too much just in case. It is hard not getting very much information but things do look really positive and I have loved every minute I have been able to be with Haley.

Haley was gassy (just like an Egbert, I tell ya) and I told Roy it was her way of asking him to be her daddy...